"A common misconception is that Rugosa Roses are native to this area because it has been used widely along beaches (a.k.a. “beach roses) and other natural settings. In 1796, the Rugosa rose was introduced into Europe from Japan then later introduced to the U.S. in 1845. Some of the popular uses on the Cape can be attributed for its hardiness, ability to tolerate highly sandy soils, and it’s ability to cover a larger area due to the fact that it spreads through suckers under the ground. This can either be a blessing or curse depending on your space and needs. In conclusion I offer a few words of advice; 1. Check with your local conservation office if your property includes conservation areas as this is an invasive, non-indigenous rose. 2. Make sure you have enough room to house this rose or use some type of containment product such as plastic edging, and 3. Plant in a full sun location (6+ hours of direct sunlight) which is standard for getting the most out of all roses."
- Lisa Rose, of Lisa Rose Landscape Consultation & Design