Dear John McCain’s rational supporters,
For what it’s worth, you have my sympathies. Really. I remember how I felt when Kerry lost to Bush in 2004, and it sucked. It felt like I was on a flaming boat that could explode any minute, but I couldn’t jump into the water because it was teeming with piranhas and I was heading for a towering waterfall anyway…I felt screwed screwed six ways to Sunday and profoundly frustrated because I had no power to stop it.
I imagine you’re experiencing the same thing right now. If it comforts you at all, first take pride in knowing that your candidate is a good man at his core, and anyone with a shred of intelligence recognizes this. I do not for a minute question McCain’s love for this country. I don’t deny that he only wanted what he felt was best for all of us. Under different circumstances, I would have gladly voted for him, but I could not this year; when I weighed the pros and cons versus those of Barack Obama, I chose Obama.
Neither man is my perfect candidate — is anyone? — but I did not think McCain’s proposed policies would yield the best results for all Americans. I was personally disappointed on how he pandered to a conservative base I often felt he did not truly agree with, and I feared that the conservative social values I regard as regressive and oppressive, and indeed contrary to the Republican Party’s philosophy of keeping the government out of citizens’ private lives, would leak into his policy decisions. And I did not once ever believe he made the best choice for a running mate, for reasons I will not go into now because they are largely irrelevant at this juncture.
McCain himself said it is time for everyone to come together as Americans, regardless of which horse we backed, and he is absolutely correct. Lingering bitterness and resentment will achieve nothing, just as it achieved nothing following the 2004 election…save perhaps to lay the foundation for what happened on November 4, 2008, which, in a way, is a hollow achievement when weighed against how much so many Americans have lost in the past four years.
John McCain can still lead you, after a fashion. Please let him.
Dear John McCain’s whackjob supporters,
You realize this is all kinda your fault, right?
If you’re freaking out right now because Barack Obama is the new President-elect, like to the point your neighbors are now calling the police to report Bigfoot has invaded your house and is throwing you bodily through every stick of furniture you own, you might want to reflect on your own behavior over the past year.
This has been the ugliest campaign season I have ever witnessed, and I’m sorry, a lot of it was coming from you, because you chose to resort to cheap scare tactics and slander, borderline and outright. How many times did you refer to Obama as a “secret Muslim”? Or Barack “Osama”? Or Barack Hussein Obama, accent heavily on Hussein to drive home the point he shares a name (but nothing more) with one of the most vile human beings walking the planet? How many times did you deface an Obama bumper sticker to read “NObama”? Or tear up a yard sign? Or scream at an Obama supporter as if he’d just taken a wizz on your TV?
You could have made intelligent arguments about Obama’s qualifications and relatively limited experience. Instead, you dismissed his contributions to his community, state, and nation while simultaneously trying to pass off Sarah Palin as a seasoned political pro.
You could have stated your concerns about Obama’s relationships with Reverend Wright or William Ayers in a thoughtful manner, but instead you sensationalized them and, again, turned a convenient blind eye to McCain’s own questionable association with Reverend Parsley, among others.
You could have rationally argued that Obama’s lack of military experience, when compared to McCain’s, rendered him inadequate to address national defense issues, an area where he absolutely needs to hit the ground running. Instead you simply threw out McCain’s POW status like a Get Out Of Jail Free card and never went the extra step to explain why his captivity meant he had the goods to lead the country.
And, perhaps your greatest sin, you too often eschewed calm and rational discourse on the merits and flaws of each candidate with Obama boosters. No, you did absolutely insane things like claim an Obama supporter attacked you and carved a letter B into your cheek, or denied Halloween candy to children who had no real grasp of what the hell was going on with the Presidential race, just because they’re parents were backing the “wrong” horse.
Even McCain was getting sick of your crap. Did you not see the look on his face when that old woman called Obama “an Arab” during a town hall meeting? That was the look of a man who wanted nothing more than to stuff a rolled-up tube sock in her mouth.
Did you goons ever once stop to consider the damage you were doing to your own man? Did you ever once realize that every time you made some ignorant crack about Obama, you drove someone away from McCain in disgust? Did you once consider that every uninformed, sensationalized dig you took made Obama’s people all the more determined to bury your beloved candidate? Whenever I saw these appalling shenanigans, all I could think was, “Wow, is this the type of person McCain is attracting? Do I really want to be associated with these mutants?”
Granted, my decision to support Obama was based far more in facts and personal assessments of each man’s credentials, experience, but not everyone can see past your buffoonery to judge the man on his inherent worth rather than his hangers-on…and even still, the thought of sharing the title of “McCain supporter” with you degereate mouth-breathers made me nauseous. I wanted nothing to do with you and, by extension, your man.
Ask yourselves: how many other voters did you drive away? Enough to cost McCain the election?
Some believe that a man is measured by the company he keeps. McCain did not have the luxury of choosing a finer grade of company; you, however, had the option of being a finer grade of company, and by blowing it so spectacularly, John McCain was found wanting, underservedly so.
Bravo, idiots. Bravo.