
A1 HIGH QUALITY PAINTING and home repair by Paul Dunn. Clients describe me as dependable, thorough, affordable and humorous. Let me put these traits to work for you! Small jobs a specialty, free estimates and color analysis. Insured. 508-495-9979.

INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING- 23 years experience. Reasonable and reliable. Furniture restoration also. 508-540-0284, ask for Tom

PETER'S PAINTING- Efficient, affordable, great quality. Building services, carpentry are also our specialties. Insured, 20 years experience. Free consultation. 508-540-8111

SEMI-RETIRED HOUSE PAINTER- Interior, Exterior, Power Washing. Small Jobs Only. Reasonable, Reliable, References. Call 508-367-6336.

WALLPAPER SPECIALISTS: Quality work from prep to finish - all types of wallcoverings and borders. Reasonable prices, free estimates. Many local references. Call Gail at 508-540-7589.