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Two Generations Of Craftsmanship: Father And Son’s Work On Display At Glass Museum

Posted in: Sandwich News, Front Page Stories
SANDWICH- At the bottom of a display cabinet in the Sandwich Glass Museum lie a block of unfinished glass and a small collection of stone-spinning wheels.

Selectmen Rein In Spending For Bleak Fiscal Year Ahead

Posted in: Sandwich News, Top Stories
SANDWICH- Staring down a $1.2 million deficit for the coming fiscal year, selectmen last night voted unanimously to direct Town Manager George H. Dunham and school committee to build two budget scenarios.

UCT Students At Work To Renovate Bus Barn

Posted in: Sandwich News
SANDWICH- The economy may be slowing down, but construction at the old bus garage near the Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School certainly has not.

School Offers Boost To Those Considering Career Change

Posted in: Sandwich News
SANDWICH- With economists predicting a continued rise in the number of unemployed workers in the coming year and with no signs that the economy will recover anytime soon, the Sandwich Community School is taking steps to help people who either want to expand their work skills or are considering a career change.

Sandwich Officials Tight-Lipped About Money Lost To Hacking

Posted in: Sandwich News, Top Stories
SANDWICH- Police and town officials are remaining tight-lipped about a security breach that resulted in thousands of dollars being transferred from the town’s bank accounts into bank accounts in Florida, Georgia, and even Russia.

Author Finds ‘Pinkywink’ And ‘Undulating’ Appeal To Young Minds, And Their Tongues

Posted in: Sandwich News
SANDWICH- James J. Coogan Jr. is a storyteller.
Whether the Main Street resident is recounting the anecdotal history of Cape Cod, or spinning yarns about bouncing cranberries, the local historian and author is one who revels in the power of the tale.

An Unforgetable Cookbook In Memory Of Maggie Smillie

Posted in: Sandwich News
SANDWICH- It has been just over a year since 19-year-old Margaret (Maggie) Grace Smillie lost her lifelong battle with cystic fibrosis. Although a year has passed, the young girl’s courage and spirit has not been forgotten by those who knew her.

School Committee Votes 4-3 To Explore School Choice

Posted in: Sandwich News, Front Page Stories
SANDWICH- The Sandwich School Committee could soon hold serious discussions about the possibility of becoming a school choice district.

Teacher Layoffs Likely, Officials Say

Posted in: Sandwich News
SANDWICH- With the town facing a $1.9 million deficit, a balanced budget will be mean teacher layoffs, said two school committee members.

Teens Charged In ‘Fizz Bomb’ Incident

Posted in: Sandwich News
SANDWICH- Three Sandwich juveniles face criminal charges after they allegedly placed what police have termed a "fizz bomb" on a Susan Carsley Way resident's front door step Saturday evening.

Wing School Ready To Recycle

Posted in: Sandwich News
SANDWICH- The Henry T. Wing School is ready to recycle.
The first of the town’s three K-8 schools to initiate its paper recycling program celebrated with a kickoff ceremony Tuesday afternoon.

Cape Police, Attorneys Clash For A Cause

Posted in: Sandwich News, Top Stories
SANDWICH- For the last seven years, local police officers and defense attorneys have come together with state police and prosecutors on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving for a good cause.

‘Jeopardy!’ Takes Note Of Cicada Jewelers

Posted in: Sandwich News, Front Page Stories
SANDWICH- A pair of Sandwich teens who earned national attention this summer when they turned a profit selling jewelry made from dead cicadas are now a permanent part of pop culture history.

Some Make Holiday Run A Tradition

Posted in: Sandwich News, Front Page Stories
SANDWICH- Thomas H. LaRochelle, 66, of Long Hill Road only runs once a year, at the We Gather Together 5K Road Run/Walk, held in Sandwich on Thanksgiving Day.
“It’s a one time-per year event,” he said with a laugh.

A Cause For Paws

Posted in: Sandwich News, Top Stories
SANDWICH- As the economy continues to spiral downward and as home foreclosures continue to rise, among the most vulnerable, and perhaps the most forgotten, victims of these difficult times are those of the four-legged variety.