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Special Town Meeting Monday, October 20, In Bourne

Posted in: Bourne News, Top Stories
Oct 17, 2008 - 12:00:25 PM

BOURNE- Bourne officials are hoping for a one-night Special Town Meeting. That meeting will begin Monday, October 20, at 7:30 PM in the Bourne High School auditorium, provided a quorum of 200 voters is present. Selectmen have, however, posted a meeting for Tuesday, in case business does spill over.
Voters will be asked to consider 25 warrant articles ranging from proposed zoning changes that will have an impact on the town for years to come to the payment of a $200 bill for arbitration services received too late to be paid during the last fiscal year, necessitating approval for payment this year.
Two large zoning bylaw changes are before voters, the Downtown District and Development Agreement bylaws.
As is customary, the order in which articles will be considered will be drawn by lot. If some of the articles that provide definitions or change the numbering of the town’s zoning bylaws are drawn before voters consider the larger bylaw changes, the substantive bylaw issues will be considered first.
Under the town’s general bylaws, Town Meeting runs to 10:30 PM, as long as at least 150 registered voters are in attendance. If business is nearing conclusion at that time, a vote of four-fifths of the meeting attendees would be needed to extend that time limit and continue working through the warrant.
Under no circumstances can Bourne Town Meeting run later than 11:30 PM.
For those who want to do their homework in advance of Monday, a full copy of the warrant is posted under Public Notices on the town’s website, (An abbreviated listing of warrant articles is published as a part of today’s Bourne Enterprise.)